Thursday, March 18, 2010

Macy: Senior Take 2

So here we are again... more senior pictures of Macy. We literally spent THE whole day walking around the big city of Hillsboro (haha) looking for cool places to shoot. I told her to bring 2 or 3 outfits we could play around with. (Which seemed like an easy task...) When she and my mom knocked on my door, I found them standing there with what appeared to be her entire closet! I kid you not, she had an assortment of dresses and a HUGE bag of shirts, jewelry, shoes, etc. It was such a "Macy" thing of her to do. Needless to say, we had plenty to choose from. :)

I enjoyed spending the day with two of my favorite people. To top it all off, we ended the shoot/day with ice cream - mmmm.

Mom and Macy: I love you both!

I think half of the shoot includes this hat...MY hat, that definitely looks better on her.
My favorite :)
Is it just me, or do these have an old western vibe... ?
These scream, S-E-N-I-O-R

1 comment:

  1. Mikka, once again, your pics are beautiful! I guess it helps alot when your subject is too. I can't get over how amazing Macy's eyes always look!
